The new stuff just keeps rolling in right now.
I’ll list a few things, but as I was thinking to say that this year has been full of a lot of firsts for our family, the thought came that we’ve been living a ton of firsts and witnessing new experiences for a long time.
Just starting at …
Sarah and I getting married. All new, and good. (It’s still good!) And it was around the time of new jobs. And our new life together in a new home grew into the move of “first-time home buyer.”
Then we had Jasper. And all those first when you’re loving and caring for a newborn, infant, squawker, floor-swimmer, sitter, talker, crawler, toddler, walker, water-swimmer, reader, translator, and all-around grow-er who’s known to run and jump and holler …
Then Ti. Now Riah. Reminding us of firsts again as they take their initial spin. Us, too; we’ve never had three kids before.
But back to the new now. This week simply has that feel.