
This blogging every day thing is hard, but it’s also good.

And it feels like it’s paying off. Certainly I’m getting more writing done.

And faster. Which is good for me, because (I believe that I have to admit) I tend to move slowly — let’s call it methodical, can we do that? Thanks so much.

Methodical, or whatever it is, I definitely desired to push myself. And this is a push. Not very convenient, I can tell you that. But profitable.

Not financially, that I’ve seen, but profitable in production, and practice, and determination, and discipline. Those things are profitable in defining craft and making discoveries and polishing practice into a pleasant product to share.

Mainly, I’m rattling off here because I’m excited about the quantity I’ve been able to accomplish so far today on other fiction writing I’m currently working on as well. As of this writing I’ve added 1,523 words today to the word count of a story that I’m editing. Calculating the words I’ve also cut, I’ve got to be close to a full day of #NaNoWriMo type production, which is about 1,700 a day to have a 50,000 word draft in a month. Crazy keyboarding.

It connects here because I truly believe that even in this short time in the last couple of months of using my website for publishing daily to reach 200,000 words in a year and as an accountability to sitting down and doing my writing — which I always hear is key — has helped prime the pump for producing more when I get after it. I appreciate people checking in on my work and sincerely hope it is enjoyable to you. I also appreciate your patience as I juggle projects and keep pushing ahead.

I’m not showing off, or boasting; I feel more like I’m laying out my mistakes, typos, foibles, and struggles along the way of my current journey now and planned for the year, which also includes successes and excitements and discoveries from doing the work, which are exciting to share and truly feel like something we’re doing together. You help me do this. Thank you! I hope it’s an encouragement and motivation to others.

It’s hard, but it’s good, so, Lord willing, I’m going to keep pushing …



Reading. Writing. Living.

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