
I have written 195,000 words (rounding down, which is nice)—only 5,000 (or so, but not quite) to go!

That’s crazy to me.

Maybe a post near or at the end of 200,000 will now be titled “Crazy to me, 2.0.”

I know many people have written many more and maybe someday I will write more in a year as well, but as the most I’ve ever recorded in a year this is crazy to me.

Almost made me crazy.

Not really. It was good.

But it wasn’t easy, and as I’ve talked about before I had to cheat a little or at least make up for the gaps of not writing every day as I had set out to do. It wasn’t 550 words each and every day to get to this point, but the average is in place and I’m back on pace (approximately) with less than 10 days to go.

It’s a good example not of being or doing a perfect job but of being active and diligent (and flexible) over the course of a longer period, a year in this case, and having something larger to show for it at the end.

It’s actually too easy for me to point to the failures along the way and to wish I’d done better in certain aspects, but I want to remember and to live in the place of celebrating the part that is crazy to me: writing all these words, more than I ever have, in hopes that I’ll write more than I ever would have.



Reading. Writing. Living.

Word Count: 195,192 / On Pace: 195,800 / Year’s Goal: 200,000

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