I thought of a new term yesterday.
Early in my day of writing, as an introduction to a reworded passage from a story that I’m editing for publication, I wrote “Continuing to edit (and add to, write inside) the Jake Jones story.”
Later while thinking about what I often do when editing, my process, I thought about how much of my editing is writing—drafting new words, more often pushing the word count up than cutting manuscripts down. It’s not always exactly what I desire in performing a good, and true, edit.
But it is more times than not how it happens with me at the keyboard. And I have to—easily and unabashedly—admit that I like getting the written words; I appreciate it. Audacious addition.
I say, at the keyboard, but typically the same things occurs even when I’m holding a pen and working on … what is it again? … paper. Yes, paper. A stack of printed out pages. Kind of a cool thing. Rare, but intriguing—exotic in its plainness. Really cool if a thick, heavy stack: though then a tendency to become a pain to sort and keep straight.
So even scratching and slashing with ink (nay, not even blue, or red, ink can stop it—“can not stop it”) I end up with short cross-outs and sprinklings of single word deletions—and sentences and sentences of scratchy and sketchy … hmm, how should I finish this set of words; what slick noun or subject? … Ah—and sentences and sentences of scratchy and sketchy … savvy alliteration.
Wrediting. Writing while “editing.”
Reading. Wrediting. Living.
Word Count: 117,693 / On Pace: 117,150 / Year’s Goal: 200,000
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