I heard myself say something today that I’d not pictured myself producing—not thought to anticipate such a “cultivated” thing.
And it’s not because I opened my mouth and my father’s words came out, like grown “boys” relate in a stirring of astonished dread and pride and … not sure what to think about that. Not that. But it did associate with my dad—why it’s surprising.
Again driving Jasper to school, we passed a sprouting cornfield. Striking, I pointed it out to my son.
“Look at that new cornfield, Jasper. Small plants: neat with the budding green and the brown of the dirt showing through like that. New growth.”
And then came the kicker: five words … “It looks like Grandpa’s garden.”
Reading. Writing. Hawes & Gardening.
Word Count: 116,715 / On Pace: 114,400 / Year’s Goal: 200,000
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