Well, I’m on ice again.
But, no, not because my back’s worse than yesterday. No it’s still getting better, without an overly aggravating episode. Again, thankfully.
No, I’m on an ice pack at this very minute because I found my sheet of exercises and did my back rehab today. Just finished.
It took about an hour and twenty minutes to do a light version of the 11 exercises and some additional stretching (foam roller and other things to decompress).
That’s (part of) why I have such a hard time accomplishing my task of rehab routine. It takes significant time.
The exercises I have been given ask for multiple sets, two or three times a day. (To be fair, most are twice a day, not thrice.) Taking the stretching out of my hours and 20 minutes, it was about 45 minutes going through the exercises for one session.
(Not sure if all this is to communicate anything for anyone or just me explaining my failure to myself, but I’m trying to get to a better place, coach or convince myself into being better with it and getting stronger. Putting myself in a better position to keep up with my kids, or a least make it up and down our flights of stairs on my own. I choose keeping up with the boys — I already know I can’t keep up with my running wife, Sarah. Half marathon coming up! For her, not me. Obviously.)
I’d like to think I’m explaining, not complaining, but I’m sure it at least contains some whining. There are two, no, three (at least), ways to look at today’s 45 minutes.
In climbing order of positivity:
1) Forty-five minutes!, and I was going light, not pushing, just getting back into it.
2) It’ll get faster once I remember the flow of the exercises and the number of reps in each set and how long to hold stretches and things. It’ll be much quicker when I’m not referencing the paperwork for body positions and movements so much.
3) Either way, I did a set of my rehab exercises!
There is that. I did my rehabilitation exercises today. Something so small probably shouldn’t be something to be so celebrated, but, it is. Because it had been so long. And however good and discipled I get at getting this done consistently, that needs to be part of it … don’t let the fact that there are two or three sessions due in a day keep me from achieving one at a time or even only one in a day.
If I’d done the routine once a day — or even five days a week — for the last six months, I’d be so far ahead, so much stronger, than if I’d completely been shutdown by the challenge of having to run through the routine twice to accomplish the plan as directed. Silly how I let an overwhelming amount assigned keep me from doing even a little.
I haven’t done even a little. Like almost nothing. Not hitting the high mark turned into not doing anything.
Even half the amount 75 percent of the time, and I’d probably have abs of steel. Probably. Like the Man of Steel, mostly likely. Major six-pack. Ripped. Probably an eight-pack. At least. (Tim Ferriss says [kind of] that it pretty much only [not really] takes eating guacamole to get good ads. [Actually, it’s more like, yes, eat avocados, but also not so much of other things … Tasty things, tempting things. That, and the right exercise.])
Oh, and not only would I have those cut and defined hypothetical abdominals, my back would be in better shape too.
Hashtag: corestrength
Reading. Writing. Living.
P.S. The almost hour and a half exercising made me write faster, so that’s good. Didn’t have as much time left, so I went for it! (Which is probably how we got into hypothetical [mythical] abs, guacamole, and so many parentheses and even brackets[!])
Word Count: 71,060 / On Pace: 70,950 / Year’s Goal: 200,000
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