
I have a chance to get caught up on word count today. Right now. With this post, tonight.

(I realize I probably should not talk about the behind the scenes or the process too much when it comes to word count — I mean that’s not really a real topic [huge in my mind this year, but not necessarily my readers’ problem] — but I have a chance to get caught up on word count today!)

Come to think of it, I suppose it’s fair to say that I have a chance to get/be caught up any day, but I’ve been behind for a little while, and a bit more than a little behind. So, today I feel like I’m actually in striking range.

Real striking range, as in, a normal 550-word post will get me there. (Due to the other writing work I’ve also been doing — even further behind the scenes.)

Now I need a real topic — okay, at this point, I apologize to my readers right here. Actually, I think it’s fair to say that in blogging and writing a set number of words, in what I’ve set out to do, that it is not unfair to have posts that are essentially free writes. It’s just you want them to go somewhere.

There are plenty of times I get an urge to just write something different, unconnected, weird, or untapped story; and write, write, write for pages and pages quickly. For it to be free of past posts and maybe even future ones, but for it to be creative and free in that sense, but for pieces of it to be not only writing practice but also a good, interesting blog post.

I tend to stick to more of a thought from my life, from my day, but does have the freedom afforded to let loose and go for a free write. Don’t worry if this is bothering you; it’s not actually in my personality to roam wild for too long or too often.

I mean, look at this … isn’t it crazy?!

When I write for formality, for routine, for meeting expectations of the goal set, my hope is that throughout this year of writing consistently — and a lot, at least for me, particularly in the consistency sense — my writing, even when open (and possibly terrible) like this, would gain and display a growing maturity: and contain a spark for use.

Like I think I’ve explained, I wouldn’t charge you for this one, but I’m …

Caught up … until tomorrow.

But that’s okay — I mean, it’s a push and can be kind of a blow but that push is the point — that’s what this daily posting and end-goal word count for a year is all about. Making me write. Getting somewhere. And keeping on a pace as I go.

Notice I say a pace, rather than simply saying keeping on pace.

Hopefully, you’re feeling as reassured being caught up and back on pace as I am, and it’ll bring you back tomorrow, and I apologize for any bumps along the journey. Thank you so much for jumping in the safari jeep with me and being willing to hold up a palm of your hand against the roof to protect your head against the worst ones.

(Do safari jeeps even have roofs? Some do. I Googled it and clicked Images.)

Oh, LOOK!, over there, it’s a wildebeest.



Reading. Writing. Living.

Word Count: 67,142 / On Pace: 67,100 / Year’s Goal: 200,000

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