
“This has been a week from hell.”

I’ve been having a real debate in my own head, so I thought I’d bring it to you. For my sanity, if nothing else.


How real is it if I’m having a silent debate in my own head? Seems real. I’m having a thought and taking a stab at it immediately. Thinking it through. Shooting it down. Bringing it back up.

I’m serious. In a weaker moment — while either changing one of a million diapers of diarrhea, having an infant not eat or drink well enough to calm concerns of dehydration, having a toddler break out in a rash most likely from reaction to antibiotics for ear infection, having six-year-old cough on me, or being down on my hands and knees wiping up barf from the floor: barf, or my tears, not really tears, but, come on! — the phrase “this has been a ‘Week from hell!’ ran through my head yesterday.

Now I can’t remember if it ran through my head multiple times at different points yesterday or if all the following times it was due to how I then mentally debated myself on its use a few times.

Either way, it felt like that terrible idea kept me company a bit yesterday.

A good portion of the children’s health difficulties came while Sarah was out of town for two (essentially three) days for work last week, which would’ve have been challenge enough if everyone would have been healthy and feeling fine.

The boys went to the doctors (yes, plural) twice last week for different things. (Jasper and Titus on a “sibling” visit that we got to pay double for, so that didn’t quite sneak through as I had hoped when it was booked as a co-appointment).

Yesterday, we had our very first video chat with a doctor from the comfort of our kitchen and household Wi-Fi. That was about the body rash that broke out on Titus, who’s been about the healthiest of the three boys.

I wasn’t going to include a picture of the video chat, but, you know, I think I will, because the boys did enjoy that. Certainly the anticipation of it, and it worked out pretty well. We were just like the television commercials of the people doing weird things in front of the computer to show health care providers what’s going on with them from wherever they can conveniently find internet connection.

Titus held his shirt up for like 20 minutes waiting for that video appointment to go live with the doctor. (And, as you can see, Jasper wanted in on the action too. Goofball.)

But HERE’S A QUESTION: How bad would that really be?!

A week from hell.


Bad, bad, BAD! I have no business thinking I’m having a week from hell.

High school football Hell Weeks are a joke.

Hell is Hell.

I’m blessed and watched over. I’m protected and upheld. I’m given strength and gifts. I soar even when it sucks. “… but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Note: Today has also been a bit crazy, with some more of the same, but it’s also been much better … Still walking and haven’t fainted (even when breakfast comes in the afternoon).

And, for those concerned, I think everyone’s going to be okay, but I tell ya, it’s been a heck of a week. Also, the “debate in my head” isn’t in multiple voices — I don’t think I’m crazy. Not yet. Not like that.

It’s going to be okay.

Every week comes from heaven.

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:16-17).

If you’ve been reading along much the last week or so, you know things haven’t felt like good and perfect gifts, but we’re breathing; and that, in itself, is a praiseworthy gift from our Creator and Father Above.

Now I pray, “… on earth as it is in heaven.”



Reading. Writing. Living.

Word Count: 61,330 / On Pace: 62,700 / Year’s Goal: 200,000

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